The Nanny DVD


From the creation of Stermin & Frasier Ink, Inc and Highschool Sweethearts Productions in association with TriStar Television for CBS an American situation comedy was produced and it was entitled as The Nanny, which was aired from November 3, 1993 to June 23, 1999 and starred actress Frab Drescher as Fran Fine. The Nanny tooks inspiration from Drescher’s personal life. Fran Fine work as a Nanny for three children namely Maggie, Brighton, and Grace who was a children of Maxwell, and Fran gave the prim-and-proper Maxwell and his children a dose of Queens logic, helping them become a healthy, happy family.

The Nanny earned a Rosed’OR and one Emmy Award, out of atotal 13 nominations, Fran gave the prim-and-proper Maxwell and his children a dose of “Queens logic,” helping them become a healthy, happy family. The Nanny was composed of six(6) seasons and 146 episodes.

~ by faithira on November 2, 2007.

6 Responses to “The Nanny DVD”

  1. hello, I Like this tv shows, fun and sometimes gets in drama.. i love how this Super Nanny become too much attach with this family..

  2. I remember watching this tv series. This Nanny really made me laughed.

  3. a series filled with great humor and funny characters

  4. love this series,the nanny has a sense of humor and the great cast.

  5. Nice review, this tv series is absolutely amazing and funny indeed…I really enjoy watching it…

  6. I’ve never watched any episode of this tv show, just got interested on the title sounds like something else, better for me to get a copy of it on dvd.

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